1924 - 2025 ... You could say "our roots run deep."
In 1924, Granddaddy Raulerson took out a loan for "one 20-barrel turpentine still, two mules, a two-horse wagon, 35 dip barrels, and three and one half crops of turpentine cups, more or less." In 1990, Chip felt a calling to revive the Naval Stores industry. It would be 20 more years before his dream would become a reality.
O.W. Raulerson (Chip's Great-Grandfather)
H.W. (Chip) Griner, Jr.
1924 - Granddaddy Raulerson's loan agreement.
Notice that the mules are described in detail, and are even named in the loan agreement ... Jerry and Ada!
This is the method of harvesting pine gum (oleoresin) that was used in Granddaddy Raulerson's day. The trees yielded more gum per acre; however, this method is not sustainable for potentially harvesting high-quality timber in the future.
The bore-hole method of extraction is what Diamond G uses today! This method is much more sustainable, and it does not impact the market value of the timber.